2 Vitamin Supplements For Vegans To Consider


There is plenty of discussion about whether or not vitamin supplements are necessary (for vegans or not).  These are two vitamin supplements for vegans that have amazing health benefits and are worth considering.


Zinc is necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system, and having low levels of zinc can make you more susceptible to disease and illness.  There are lots of benefits of zinc, including:

  • Activating T lymphocytes (T cells) – which control and regulate immune responses, and attack infected or cancerous cells.
  • Helping to shorten the duration of the common cold by up to 40% (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136969/) – especially when taken within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms.
  • Playing a crucial role in regulating how neurons communicate, affecting how we learn and how memories are made.
  • Delaying age-related macular degeneration (AMD) by preventing cellular damage in the retina.
  • Potentially, zinc sulphate could produce promising results for the treatment of acne, according to one study. 

While there are good sources of zinc in foods, a lot of these foods are not vegan, and vegans may require more than the average recommended amount because of this low bioavailability.  Some of the symptoms of a zinc deficiency include: loss of appetite, anaemia, slow wound healing, acne or eczema, altered cognition and hair loss.  If you are worried about being deficient in zinc, it is worth considering adding this to your list of vitamin supplements, especially for vegans.


Iron is a pretty obvious vitamin supplement for vegans, because it is most commonly thought of as coming from red meat.  Being deficient in iron is actually the most common nutritional deficiency in the USA, and women are at the greatest risk – so taking an iron supplement is a good idea.  Iron has lots of benefits, including:

  • Better energy levels, because insufficient amounts of iron in the body may result in a lack of focus, increased irritability, and reduced stamina.
  • Increased athletic performance and stronger immune system activity, as more haemoglobin allows more oxygen (energy) to be transported to the muscles.
  • Promotes the growth of red blood cells, which repair damaged tissues and cells.
  • Synthesising numerous neurotransmitters (e.g. norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine), which are considered essential because they perform various functions in the body.

There are actually plant-based sources of iron that you can add to your diet for a boost, these include: dark chocolate, dried fruit, dark leafy greens (spinach, swiss chard and kale, for example), spirulina, tofu, legumes, nuts, and seeds.  However, iron deficiency (anaemia) has a few symptoms, and the severity of these symptoms will depend on the severity of the anaemia.  These symptoms include tiredness and lack of energy, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and a pale complexion.  Some less common symptoms include headaches, tinnitus, feeling itchy, hair loss, and difficulty swallowing.  Iron is definitely one of the best vitamin supplements for vegans, especially if you are conscious of having any of these symptoms, or if you know you are anaemic.


These are two of the most important vitamin supplements for vegans to consider taking, and both have amazing health benefits.  Vegan Supplement Store provide products that are entirely vegan, and will support muscle & mass gains, fat loss, or general health and wellbeing.

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