An Interview With Bikini Athlete and MumWarrior, Martine Warmann

Martine Warmann MumWarrior

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Martine Warmann, I’m a UKBFF Bikini Athlete, former British & European Powerlifting champion, an award winning trainer that has helped over 10,000 mums lose weight and of course my best achievement of all is being a mum to my beautiful little girl Imani. I was also on the hit TV Show - Ninja Warrior.

Have you seen any differences since moving to a meat-free diet?

Absolutely, I feel better, healthier and have more energy. With my body goals I know how important it is to eat healthy balanced meals and fuelling my body with the right nutrients. It’s what suits me best “All diets work but not all diets work for you”.

What are your current body/fitness goals?

My current body goal is to build bigger shoulders and glutes as I want to work towards winning a pro card with the UKBFF in the Bikini Master category.

As for fitness goals - My goal is to hit 5 x consecutive Ring Muscle Ups. I love pushing my body to see what it can achieve. I’m currently hitting 2 consecutive ring muscle ups so I’ll keep working on them until I achieve my goal.

How often do you train each week? What routines do you follow?

My training routine...what I do when and how long I train changes every week and depends on my daughter as I’m a full time mum and she’s not yet in nursery. However, often it is:

  • Monday - Glutes - Bicep, Triceps, abs & cardio at Crossfit BFG
  • Tuesday - Back and Chest at Sugar’s Gym
  • Wednesday - Glutes, Abs, Shoulders & cardio at Crossfit BFG
  • Thursday - Legs & Shoulders at Sugar’s Gym
  • Friday - Glutes & Strength Training at Crossfit BFG
  • Saturday - Glutes & Shoulders from home.
  • Sunday - rest (as much as I can as a mum).

I also do 3 x Power walks per week (with my daughter, Imani in the pushchair) and 2 x home workouts (HIIT).

Although this is a rough outline, most days I have to say to myself “I have 20, 30, 40, 60 minutes what do I need to work on and how can I make this work with the time I have available.”

What mistakes have you made in the past with your training and what do you do differently now as a result?

In my earlier training days I went too heavy with weights too often. Now I aim to do one heavy session a week but I don’t really aim for 1 rep max on compound lifts anymore. I still train to be stronger and keep improving my strength however just in different ways.

What is your favourite piece of gym equipment and why?

Probably resistance bands because you can do sooooo much with them. You can hit every body part, use them for cardio, use them in strength training, use them to tone, shape and define specific areas.

You can also take them anywhere as they’re small, compact and easy to store. Plus, they are super cheap too! I get mine from Wolverson Fitness they give my followers 10% off resistance bands too (code: MUMMY10).

What is the most common mistake you see people making when they’re not being trained by a PT?

The biggest mistake I see way too many people make is trying to out train a bad diet! It can’t be done - abs are made in the kitchen through good nutrition, not hours on a treadmill. For weight loss results your focus needs to be on your diet first, workouts second.

What one piece of advice would you give someone who is looking to start a body transformation challenge?

Ask yourself ‘why’ do you want to do it and remind yourself every day of the reasons WHY you WILL continue to push through to achieve your goal.
Remembering the reasons why you set out on a journey is incredibly important and keeps you going.

What supplements do you take, why and how often?

As a busy mum and with my demanding training regimen I think supplements are very important for achieving my goals. I therefore drink a Vegan Protein Shake 1-2 times per day and take a BCAA supplement 3 times per day. As one of my main goals is to build a little muscle it’s important I get sufficient protein in and these two supplements help me with this.

What services do you offer as a PT?

I specialise in helping women lose weight and transform their bodies through:

  • 1-1 Personal Training & Nutrition
  • My 12 Week Ultimate Transformation Program (online coaching tailored to your goals)


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