High Protein Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe

High protein vegan chocolate cake recipe


The Ultimate Vegan Chocolate Cake

We have got a delicious vegan treat for you - in the shape of a high protein chocolate cake recipe.

Whilst Vegan Supplement Store is all about living a healthy lifestyle and achieving your health and fitness goals, we also know how important it is to have a healthy balance - all work and no play is no fun for anyone. That's why we have taken our most popular protein powders and used them in creating this delicious recipe. We hope you enjoy it!

Serves : 8
Cooking Time: 20-25 minutes


  • 300ml dairy free milk
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 150g dairy free butter
  • 1 tsp coffee granules
  • 3 tbsp golden syrup/agave syrup/brown rice syrup
  • 275g plain flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 160g caster sugar
  • 4 tbsps cocoa powder
  • 20g of Chocolate Vegan Complete Protein Powder


Decorative Ingredients

  • Vegan chocolate, grated
  • Fresh Raspberries


Pre-heat the oven to 190°C/Gas Mark 5 and line/grease 2x 8” baking tins.

Mix the milk and lemon juice together and set aside. It may curdle a bit, but this is normal.

In a saucepan melt the dairy free butter, coffee and syrup together until the granules are dissolved.

Mix all of the dry ingredients together and then quickly beat in the melted syrup mix and milk, until you have a smooth batter.

Pour into the two tins and bake for 20-25 minutes until risen and springy to the touch.

Leave to cool before removing the cakes from the tins.

Meanwhile, beat the icing sugar, protein powder and butter together to make a smooth icing.

Fill the cold cakes with the icing and pipe or spread the remaining icing over the top section.

Decorate with fresh raspberries and grated chocolate.

Leave to settle for at least 30 minutes and then serve with a refreshing drink and a big smile.


Enjoy more healthy, high protein vegan recipes for free

If you enjoyed this recipe and you're looking for more delicious, high protein recipes that you can make at home why not download our free recipe book. Click the image below to download yours now.

High protein vegan recipes - free PDF download



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